Grow in prayer.  Grow in worship.  Grow in intimacy.

So you can bear the fruit for His glory.


What needs to happen for the seed to break through the ground?

What happens before we are able to see the little plant show its leaves?

Before the seed breaks through the ground,

it lets its roots grow into the soil,

it takes place in a hidden and well watered environment.

The seed

'The Seed' is a program for people who are willing to stay away from everyday distractions in order to experience God in a simple and authentic way. We believe that a lot of growth and breakthrough happens in a secret place when no one is watching. We want to equip you with the tools to cultivate that hidden place of intimacy with Jesus.


If yes, then we invite you for a 6 weeks program at Jesus-Haus Herrnhut, Germany where you will have an opportunity to grow in your walk with God through daily disciplines of prayer and worship, teaching and practical service in the context of house of prayer.

Along with the spiritual journey participants will join Jesus-Haus team in physical work. (guest team, garden team or construction team depending on the current needs of the house). This is an important part of fullfiling the vision of the house - making a room for visitors to encouter God.


Subjects that will be covered during teaching sessions:

  • Growing in intimacy with God through His Word in a practical way
  • The importance of understanding Feasts of the Lord
  • Rhythms and seasons of life
  • Hearing God's voice
  • Spiritual disciplines (prayer, fasting, giving)
  • What it actually means to bear the fruit for His Kingdom
  • History of Herrnhut and Jesus-Haus
  • The role of houses of prayer
  • What is worship?


Weekly schedule includes:

  • joining the morning devotions
  • physcial work (~16 hours a week)
  • individual prayer times in one of the prayer rooms (~5 hours a week)
  • teaching sessions (~3 hours a week)
  • cooperate worship and prayer times (~3 hours a week)
  • shared meal times
  • celebrating Shabbat with a local community on every Friday
  • going to a refugee house
  • helping local community in practical ways
  • a fasting day
  • once a month '50 hours of worship and prayer'

Practical Information


Are you interested?

We are looking forward to hearing from you!

After we receive the application form from you, we will contact you within the next few days and inform you about the further steps.

If you have more questions contact us under this e-mail:

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