House of prayer for all the nations!
Our guests come literally from all around the world. We are honoured to be the house of prayer for ALL THE NATIONS! Here you will find what our guests say about their stay at Jesus-Haus. Enjoy!
Excerpts from our guest book
Holland and Indonesia
We thank the Lord for leading us to Jesus-Haus in Herrnhut. Thank you for your hospitality! Thank you for showing us your love and for your faithfulness in serving the Lord. We have learnt a lot from all of you. Thank you!!!
(December 2009)
How short a week can feel when one experiences so much! It is truly a great gift from God that he led me to you in Herrnhut. I have encountered so much love and warmth here. For me it was very special to hear in so many testimonies, that Jesus also speaks so clearly in our time.
(November 2009)
God led me to this place to reveal His love to me. Thank you for your hospitality! Thank you for all of the beautiful details in the rooms, for the lovely décor and for your prayers. (September 2009)
Hungary, Israel, Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Slovakia, Poland, Latvia, Great Britain, Dominican Republic
Our stay here with you was definitely the best in our 13 years of meeting together, especially when it comes to your hospitality and servant heart. Thank you for inviting us here. In you a great blessing is being poured out to so many people. We pray that this blessing will increase. (August 2009)
Many, many thanks for your hospitality! We so enjoyed the time here with you. It was just great to be here. You are a blessing! (July 2009)
Thank you for the warm welcome and hospitality in the wonderful Jesus-Haus where HE can be felt all around. I pray for God’s strength, provision and success for you. (July 2009)
Thank you so much for your hospitality. We felt very blessed during our stay in the Jesus-Haus. May the Lord bless you double in return! (May 2009)
The Netherlands
I so enjoyed the lovely rooms and the peace of this house, but most precious to me were the encounters with you, my dear brothers and sisters in the Lord. (March 2009)
Thank you so much for the very nice room where I could spend two days praying in this holy place. (December 2008)
Thank you for the loving hospitality in this place where God’s peace reigns. (November 2008)
Thank you to all of you for your welcome and for the wonderful time of worship. It was a wonderful encouragement to see how the Lord is redeeming and building His place and house of worship. (October 2008)
Praise God for this place of rest and that you have opened yourselves to carry a part of it. The Lord continue to be with you and bless your spirit and the work of your hands. (September 2008)
You have made the house available and serve with your gifts, each in a unique and different way. You probably don’t even realize how many treasures have resulted through so many “little things.” But the way God works and multiplies them is absolutely amazing. God led me here and I go home greatly enriched. Thank you. (August 2008)
“Herrnhut” suddenly came to mind
As we had considered many a time
But as it is somewhat far away
We rejoiced this time to have time to stay
Thank you so much for the friendly welcome and the wonderful days of refreshing here! (August 2008)
Czech Republic
Thank you for the warm welcome in your house. We felt so much at home and really enjoyed the fellowship. We’ll gladly come back! May you be encouraged in Jesus and receive much strength and wisdom for your renovations. God bless you! (July 2008)
Thank you so much for the warm and cordial welcome. We stayed only one night but it was a very blessed and awesome time. We appreciate your friendship and the time you took to give us a tour through the town. God bless you abundantly. (July 2008)
New Zealand
Thank you for your wonderful hospitality. It was a real pleasure to be with you for a few days and meet many of the people here. Thank you for the privilege to join with your prayer and worship times. We have been very blessed. (July 2008)
We are tremendously blessed and forever marked by the Christ-like hospitality you extended to us this week. Thank you! (June 2008)
Gateways Beyond Training School (Cyprus)
What can we say? You have been more than a blessing to us. Not many ministries can host 45 young people. Thank you for making us feel so welcome in your house and serving us so wonderfully. Thank you for being an extension of the hand of the Lord to us on our journey. Our hearts are joined to yours. We love you! (June 2008)
The Netherlands
We have been so blessed by your hospitality, love and friendship. We have truly felt at home. God has done a lot in us and we will look back on this week as a very special time. It also meant a great deal to us that there was so much room for baby Nathan, and he loved the baby room. That there is a special place for babies in a house of prayer is awesome!! We love you and we hope to see you all again some day soon. (May 2008)
Really intense worship time! I’m excited about the house and what’s happening here in Herrnhut. I’ll definitely be back. You’re great! (April 2008)
We had a special day in a special place with especially wonderful people! Thank you for everything! We can’t wait to see you again. (February 2008)
Thank you so much for the freedom in this place, for your smiles by day and by night, for your flexibility, for space for prayer and music. You’re all so wonderful. (November 2007)
What a joy it is to see the main Jesus-Haus operating, being refurbished, and functioning as a hive of relaxed activity. God is so FAITHFUL. The Lord has done great things since my last visits in 2001 and 2002. Christian and Maren’s dream is now a reality – and I was delighted to meet some more of the “living stones” in God’s house. (August 2007)
We spent two very refreshing weeks here with you. We enjoyed the atmosphere of almost-still-hospital, but at the same time already fully Jesus-Haus. It is so good to see how God’s ideas come into reality. May you be blessed with strength, ideas and creativity for the next steps. Thank you for your warm hospitality! (August 2007)
Thank you so much for a great time in the Jesus-Haus and Herrnhut— with great fellowship, fantastic hospitality and a very kind and warm atmosphere. It’s great to see a living vision take shape in a historic place. May the Lord bless and prosper you in your endeavours for Him. Philippians 1:6. (August 2007)
Thank you for the opportunity to spend some set-apart time in the quiet of Jesus-Haus. God’s blessings to you who work here and hold up the House in prayer. May Jesus be with you to bring forth true worship in His holy presence. Everything else will then flow out of this place of worship into visible reality. (July 2007)
Thank you so much for having me! The Lord spoke so much to me during this week. Each of you blessed me so much and I know that I have built relationships and connections that are for now and also the future. (July 2007)
Czech Republic
You guys are just wonderful! We really felt that you all are our family. The atmosphere here was just great and God spoke to our hearts a lot in this place. (May 2007)
The right place at the right time: a place where God speaks, a place where God leads. . . (May 2007)
Wow, we are overwhelmed and deeply moved by what God is doing here. Thank you for your openness and sensitivity to the presence of God, and that you give His presence the highest priority. We pray that God strengthens you and fills you anew each day with fresh water of His Spirit. (April 2007)
Kraftwerk Church House Group Leaders (Germany)
Thank you for the amazing hospitality, the freedom to be able to use the various rooms, the loving atmosphere which greeted and surrounded us, and your faithfulness and love which we recognized in everything. (April 2007)
We have benefited greatly from our time here; you have helped us very much in our explorations, pointing us in the right direction. We ask for the blessing of the Lord upon you all, for grace to stand together in love and above all for an increasing appreciation of the goodness of God. (March 2007)
We love you all and look forward to future travels and also future ministry that shall "spring" forth out of this hub into other places in Europe. (March 2007)
You are all amazing – a small church with a big assignment! May God grant you wisdom and the leading of His Holy Spirit in all things. (February 2007)
Thank you for all your hospitality and love! You have been a blessing to me, and I know that you will continue to be a blessing to the nations of the earth! May the glory of the Lamb rest upon you and compel you to “unite and ignite”, that Jesus would receive the due reward of His suffering! As John Piper writes, “The cross of Christ is the blessing center of the glory of God.” And John Stott, “The cross is the blazing fire at which the flame of our love is kindled, but we have to get near enough for its sparks to fall on us.” (December 2006)
Thank you for your warm hospitality. We’ll see you next time! It is so amazing to see God working in the secret places — Herrnhut. He is establishing His kingdom on earth! (November 2006)